29 mar 2010

28 mar 2010

Neon Tiger

Run Neon Tiger, there's a price on your head.

22 mar 2010

Standing Next To Me

Aclaro: No me copan mucho los Arctic Monkeys, y tampoco The Rascalas. Tampoco me conmueven mucho el resto de las canciones de The Last Shadow Puppets. Pero esta cancióoooon! Cómo está!!! Es grandiosa, gloriosa, genial, hermosa, no se, me encanta.

21 mar 2010

Control Yourself

You were a child, crawling on your knees toward it...

El día que vaya MGMT a Buenos Aires (porque van a ir) voy a ir a verlos. No se con que plata, pero ya le avisé a mi vieja. Nah, no da, nunca me voy a perdonar de no ir a ver a los Killers.

13 mar 2010


Eso lo dice todo.

6 mar 2010

Choose life

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed- interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing sprit- crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life… But why would I want to do a thing like that?

3 mar 2010

There's something about The Beatles...

Ellos tienen y tenían un gen especial, que muy pocos seres humanos poseen. Está científicamente comprobado.

A day in the life
While my guitar gently weeps
Oh darling
I want you
I love her
I am the walrus
Mis favoritas entre muuchas otras.

P.D: Pensar que tengo que volver al liceo el lunes me da náuseas.

11 feb 2010

Why'd you cut holes in the face of your moon base?

Don't you know about the temperature change.

Congratulations, 13 de abril, tengo que tenerlo.

6 feb 2010

Blue Jean serenade

Live from Royal Albert Hall

3 feb 2010

Not a bad day

Jim & Pam

Muy adorables.

24 ene 2010

Stone fox

She was the still point of the turning world, man.

19 ene 2010

This temporary flesh and bone

Every time you fall and everytime you try,
Every foolish dream and every compromise,
Every word you spoke and everything you said,
Everything you left me rambles in my head.

17 ene 2010

Cool beans

Hoy amamos a Andy Samberg.

Rod: Hey, Denise, have I ever shown you a picture of my dead dad?
Denise: No.
Rod: Oh, you've gotta see it. He's super dead.
Denise: That's him? He looks so nice. He was a stuntman?
Rod: Oh, yeah. He used to work for Evel Knievel, testing his bikes before big jumps. He would do the jumps first to make sure they were safe and let Evel come in and get all the glory. After a while the old man said, "To hell with that. I want the credit I deserve." So one afternoon, he set out to jump ten milk trucks. He nailed the take-off, but when he landed, something terrible happened. His front tire exploded like a cannonball, and his handle bars went straight through his head. Blood was everywhere. His teeth were ground down to a powder, and the front of his face exploded out the back of his skull. He died instantly... the next day.
Hot Rod

15 ene 2010

Your skin makes me cry

"When we were sitting on that bench, were you sexually excited? Because I was."

12 ene 2010

Vamos a empezar light

Empezá el año escuchando a Sufjan Stevens. Nada te va a salir mal.

Blog de nuevo, felicidad, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii